Archive for the ‘Skin Conditions’ Category

Makeup Wakeup: Revitalizing Your Look at Any Age

Friday, June 10th, 2011

Makeup Wakeup promises to help women over 40 solve “the kinds of issues women face every day.” Written by Lancome “Beauty at Every Age Expert” Sandy Linter and Lois Joy Johnson, Makeup Wakeup includes:

  • Celebrity beauty tips
  • Tips for dealing with concerns like “brow abuse” and sun damage
  • A “fail-proof” shopping guide for beauty products
  • Expert advice on cosmetic procedures from physicians

Reviews for Makeup Wakeup

Makeup Wakeup is “full of sharp advice” reads

Beauty blogger faboverforty writes about Makeup Wakeup: “One of the first things I noticed about the book is the great photography. These women are not photoshopped to look glossed over and fake. Nope, they look REAL! I was so thrilled about that!”

A reviewer on Amazon writes: “I think people considering surgical enhancements should read this book and see if they could ‘fix’ what they want to fix using make-up or read up on the different offerings of procedures. This was a very worthwhile and fun read for me.”

The authors of Makeup Wakeup say they wrote the book for women over the age of 40 who feel invisible amongst the sea of beauty marketing aimed at much younger women.

Last month, the authors celebrated the debut of Makeup Wakeup at a special book release party at Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. has photos of attendees, including Debbie Harry of Blondie and model/actress Patti Hansen. The video below was captured during the book release party.

Summertime and the Living is Not So Easy for Rosacea Sufferers

Monday, July 5th, 2010

Does summertime mean fun in the sun? Not if you are one of the estimated over 16 million Americans who suffer from the facial skin di­sorder, rosacea. According to a prominent recent survey by the National Rosacea Society, warm weather and sun exposure can exacerbate the condition. Hot tub sound like a relaxing indulgence? Again, rosacea can make the elevated temps and bubbling water a flare-up opportunity. In fact, many summer leisure-time activities can be on the list of flare-up triggers. Both steam and dry saunas, tanning beds, grills, bonfires, and even heavy exercise can worsen rosacea symptoms.

Can you still enjoy your summer with worries about heat-triggered flare-ups? Yes, with the right precautions, says noted professor of dermatology, Dr. Joseph Bikowski. First, see a professional for treatment options and therapy recommendations. Secondly, do all you can to stay as cool as possible. Wearing a broad-brimmed hat and avoiding sun exposure during the peak heat hours (from 10AM to 2 PM) as well as applying sunscreen with sufficient SPF all year round are necessities.

You might also be able to reduce flushing by sucking on ice chips, using a personal fan and bathing in cooler water during the summer.  In addition, the doctor recommends keeping a diary of how and where flare-ups occur in order to learn the environmental causes that exacerbate your personal condition. Many rosacea sufferers agree that flare-ups can often be prevented with attention to these details.

Call us at or contact us online to schedule your consultation today.