Breast Augmentation Savannah

Breast augmentation can enhance your appearance, improve your self-confidence, and broaden your ability to wear different clothing fashions by changing the shape and size of your breasts to better match your body style. Also, breast augmentation is used to rebalance a voluptuous figure, correct lost volume resulting from age or pregnancies, and balance asymmetrical breasts.

Breast enlargement surgery results in fuller, firmer breasts to complement your natural body proportions. We use advanced techniques that result in a more natural-looking shape. If your breasts are saggy in addition to being small, you may consider a breast lift in addition to breast enlargement.

Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

breast augmentation savannah ga

Before and After Breast Augmentation

Click to see more breast augmentation before and after photos

How to Choose Between Silicone Gel and Saline Breast Implants

The FDA recently approved a new generation of silicone gel breast implants, giving women more choices than ever before in breast implant plastic surgery. There are a number of differences between saline and silicone breast implants, which your plastic surgeon will explain thoroughly to you during your consultation. A brief summary of the pros and cons of both types of breast implants follows:

Silicone Gel Breast Implants


  • Silicone gel implants feel more like natural breast tissue
  • Silicone implants are less likely to cause the skin around the breast to ripple
  • Silicone gel implants are available in a variety of sizes, profiles, and textures
  • Lifetime replacement guarantee from the manufacturer


  • Silicone breast implants come pre-filled, meaning that the exact volume must be determined before surgery
  • Because silicone breast implants are pre-filled, the incision will be slightly longer to allow for insertion of the implant
  • If a silicone breast implant ruptures (which is less likely with contemporary silicone implants because of the multi-layered shell), silicone is not absorbed by the body
  • Silicone gel implants are not available for women under the age of 22

Saline Breast Implants


  • Saline breast implants are filled after they are inserted so that exact volume can be customized during surgery
  • If a saline implant ruptures, the saline (salt water) filling is safely absorbed by the body
  • Saline implants are available for women of all ages
  • Saline implants are available in a variety of sizes, profiles, and textures


  • Saline implants are not as soft or natural-feeling as silicone gel implants
  • Saline breast implants are more likely to cause the skin to ripple around the breast

Your Coastal Empire plastic surgeon will discuss the details of breast enlargement plastic surgery during your consultation in one of our convenient Coastal Georgia or South Carolina offices. Call to schedule a confidential consultation with Dr. Shanklin, Dr. Curtsinger, or Dr. McGovern.

Call us at or contact us online to schedule your consultation today.